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TS #482 Pink Ounce

=♥= Body =♥=
Head: Genus Bento Head Mocap | Genus Project
Body: Lara | Maitreya
Skin: Nikita (coconut) | 7 Deadly s[K]ins
Shape (body edited): Nikita | 7 Deadly s[K]ins
Hands:  Vista Bento Prohands Fem. | Vista Animations

=♥= Clothes =♥=
Top, pants and shoes: Ella Set | FurtaCor

=♥= Accessories =♥=
Hair (Group Gift | Join L$50): No Fun | No Match
Earrings:  Aria Earrings Gold 02 | PanThera

=♥= Extra=♥=
Pose: Bento Sits VOL2 | Foxcity

=♥= Decor=♥=
Pallet (L$1): Pallet Set | Gosf. Home and Garden
Flower and Pots:  Gardenhouse Outside pots | DRD